What We Treat

We treat a wide range of issues and may be able to help with things you wouldn’t expect. If you’re not sure if we can help with your particular problem call or email us and we’ll be happy to discuss it with you.

Back and Neck Pain

Regardless of age or gender, 80 per cent of the population will suffer from back pain at some time in their life.

Common causes of back pain include extensive sitting or standing; heavy lifting; injury; pregnancy; constipation, irritable bowel and endometriosis; menstrual pain; insufficient flexibility; muscle weakness; dysfunction in the thorax, lower limbs and pelvis.

There are several more serious causes of low back pain such as disc injury, fracture, tumour and infection. Osteopaths, as primary health care practitioners, are trained to differentiate between uncomplicated back pain and back pain requiring referral to specialist care.

We will help you develop the most effective course of action to manage your back pain.

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Back and neck pain is treated at Penwarn Osteopathic


Headaches are treated at Penwarn Osteopathic

The most common type of headaches originates from muscle stiffness or joint strain in the neck and upper thoracic region.

Other causes include eye strain; sinus congestion; whiplash injury, stress, poor posture, jaw imbalance and teeth grinding; infection, allergies and food intolerances.

Osteopathy can treat headaches effectively.

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Sporting Injuries

Whether sport is a hobby or you are an elite athlete, we may help prevent and treat many sporting injuries, including neck and back strains; shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries; hip and pelvic injuries such as osteitis pubis; and knee, leg and ankle injuries.

Reduced joint or muscle flexibility will affect your performance and may result in injury if you don’t realise that you can’t perform at your usual level. If you do become injured, we may be able to facilitate a return to optimal function and prevent compensatory strains from occurring. This may minimise re-injury and allow a quicker return to physical activity.

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Sports Inhuries are treated at Penwarn Osteopathic

Joint Pain and Flexibility

Penwarn Osteo can help with joints and flexibility

Muscular flexibility and joint range of motion are taken for granted by most people and rarely a major focus in fitness and training regimes, yet they are the major precursor to injury and a limiting factor to sporting performance.

To help explain this statement consider why the average golfer cannot play a consistent 18 holes or why a thinly built teenager can drive a ball further than a stocky stronger man? Many golfers will know the answer is ‘timing’ i.e contacting the ball with the sweet spot of the club head at the optimal speed. ‘Timing’ is heavily reliant on smooth, coordinated joint motion and hence any resistance from tight muscles and stiff joints is going to effect the timing of the swing. Which is why some golfers improve as they get warmer, others decline as they stiffen up, and a younger more flexible person can connect better with the ball than a stronger but less flexible person.

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Foot, Heel and Arch Pain

Painful feet are very debilitating. Pain in the heel area is especially common and may be associated with a calcaneal spur, usually referred to as a heel spur.

Our feet are made up of a series of small bones, known as the tarsal bones. These tarsal bones, starting from the calcaneus (heel) form an arch, which is supported by a strong band of sinew (plantar fascia) stretching across the sole of the foot below the surface of the skin.

With repeated activity on our feet, this fascia causes persistent traction (tugging) on the attachment point into the bone, and inflammation and pain may develop at this site. This painful condition is known as plantar fasciitis.

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Foot pain is treated at Penwarn Osteopathic

Knee Pain

Knee pain is treated at Penwarn Osteopathic

Knee pain is very distressing and greatly debilitating. There are so many degrees and causes of knee pain and so much public awareness due to the high incidence in sporting arenas.

This public awareness often means people think the trauma in their knee is far greater than the actual pathology. Sports people will always fear the worst anticipating that a reconstruction and months away from sport has occurred and our older generation will fear their knee has worn out to the point of soon replacement!

Despite the high incidence of knee trauma from falls and collisions most knee pain is due to altered joint and muscle mechanics particularly of the patellofemoral (knee cap) joint.

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Wherever bones, tendons or ligaments come into contact with each other there is a fluid filled sack present which sits between them called a bursa. A bursa prevents these structures from rubbing on each other. Bursitis is a condition where there is inflammation of this bursa. It is often related to overuse of a particular joint, or where there is excess tension on a specific area over a long period of time.

Bursitis can also be caused by trauma of a specific area, such as a fall or car accident, which can instantly cause inflammation of that area.

The most common areas within the body that can be affected by bursitis are:

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Bursitis and Osteopathy

Pregnancy Related Issues

Osteopathy and Pregnancy

Osteopathy: A beneficial approach to pregnancy and post-natal care.

Your osteopath may help prevent or manage a wide range of musculoskeletal issues related to pre-and post-natal conditions, either solely or in conjunction with other health care practitioners.

Osteopathy during pregnancy

Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine which treats the whole person. We will carefully select the most appropriate treatment techniques for you and your growing baby.

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Babies and Children

Osteopathy recognises the particular stresses on the body undergone by children as they grow from babies to teenagers and has developed an approach to work with children of all ages.

We treat babies, children and teenagers for a range of musculoskeletal conditions.

A range of problems may interfere with the normal development of a child. Trauma during pregnancy and birth, childhood accidents and falls, or simply the rapid changes of the body’s growth can create or contribute to problems associated with bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. Other issues faced by children include postural problems, inflammatory conditions and sporting injuries.

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Babies and Children are treated at Penwarn Osteopathic


Osteopathy and Aged Care

Osteopathic treatment may go a long way towards relieving some of these distressing conditions. If surgery is also required, the post-operative recovery period can be prolonged and painful. Osteopathy may be helpful during the recuperation period.

Osteopathic techniques aim to maintain your health, increase mobility, improve balance, help prevent further joint wear and tear, and keep you active and independent.

Many older Australians mistakenly believe that the effect of ageing on their body’s joints is untreatable and inevitable, and they have no alternative but to learn to live a lesser life with their pain.

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